It’s been a process, but we are happy to announce that all of the on-air show pages are now up!
Click through the shows tab to find out more about all of our student & community shows.
Still a work in progress are the DJs’ personal pages – they’ll all be adding their information as time goes on, so keep an eye out to see if your favorite show host posts anything new.
This is something that we felt was important to include on the site. While there has been information on some shows & DJs in the past, it was pretty minimal. We knew more had to be done when someone come into the office asking about an episode of a show they heard years ago that struck them & had stuck with them for all this time. When something someone says resonates so deeply, there’s gotta be more where that came from.
So this is where we are!
Excited to see everyone’s shows & personalities grow & evolve into their own.
For WECS 90.1 FM, this is Karla with a K – show host, on-air studio manager, & radio club president – signing off, until next time!